Ventilation and climate for pigs

Fresh air is an essential prerequisite for animals to thrive in the barn. Insufficient or varying air exchange has a significant impact on a number of important production parameters. These include growth rates, feed utilization and disease, and ultimately animal mortality.

Ventilation principles

KJ Klimateknik has 35 years of experience in consulting, production and installation of ventilation in livestock houses. From 2022, we have brought this experience to the biogas industry. With KJ as your supplier, you are guaranteed a good and stable production climate all year round. Your local conditions, such as the type of livestock, type of operation and building construction, have a big impact on which ventilation principle is best suited to your circumstances. Based on your needs and wishes, we find the optimal solution for you. Our valves, inlets and outlets are basically made of insulating polyurethane, which prevents condensation.

Your clear benefits of a KJ Klimateknik system


Economical & reliable

With a system from KJ Klimateknik, you get “value for money”. The investment is competitive and proven. Our systems are known for their high level of reliability and long lifespan.



“Keep it simple” is our mantra. KJ’s controls are no more complicated than that and are therefore easy to use.


Low installation costs

Our ventilation systems are designed with BUS communication. As a result, significantly fewer lengths of cable must be used than with competing suppliers. We typically find that the installation cost is 40-50% lower than conventional solutions.


Support and service

We are proud of our service department, which consists of telephone support and our own service engineers. With fully equipped service vehicles, we are able to help you quickly. In the cars, we often have the spare parts you need, so you avoid additional driving. You also have the option of signing a service agreement with us, which includes discounts on spare parts.


Monitoring and control via smartphone

We’ve all become accustomed to being able to do more and more things remotely. We can also offer control and monitoring of the ventilation solution via smartphone.

Ventilation models

Combination diffuse ventilation

ceiling vents

An effective and flexible solution is so-called combi-diffuse ventilation, which works on the negative pressure principle. The solution consists of a diffuse ceiling, typically covered with Troldtekt, and corridor or ceiling vents that provide supplementary air during hot periods. The air intake through the ceiling ensures that there is no draught on the animals during the cold months. The combi-diffuse system is also highly energy efficient.

Negative pressure ventilation

Ceiling and wall vents

We offer a range of ceiling and wall valves to suit the current conditions. KJ ceiling vents are used as air inlets from attic spaces in the barn. The ceiling vents can be the entire intake of the ventilation system, or they can be part of a combi-diffuse system. Our wall valves have a bottom-hinged flap to avoid drafts on the animals and are primarily used in a clean vacuum system.

Equal pressure ventilation


In a low-pressure system, the air is taken in via a so-called blower with an air mixer. The small mixing motor at the bottom of the intake takes the warm air from the barn and mixes it with the cold air coming from outside. This avoids draught on the animals. The air intake is made of strong polyurethane, which has good insulation properties to prevent condensation.

Fire-approved comfort ventilation

KJ Klimateknik has developed a concept that meets the new building regulations for operational buildings.

A basic element of the concept is a specially designed extraction unit with a power-saving OPTIVENT EC fan, which we have had tested and approved by a test institute

Farmers, construction companies and consultants can confidently use our concept so that there are no problems with the approval of the certified fire safety advisor when granting start-up and occupancy permits.

Significant savings can be made on the price of the shell when the ventilation complies with Appendix 8, as savings can be made on fireproofing rafters.

Get in touch

Fill out the form or contact Torben to talk about what we can do for you or your business.

Torben Krog

Salgschef Rådgiver gris

Salgschef og rådgiver Torben Krog

News & Events


KJ Klimateknik A/S expands and takes over the assets from Agrifarm

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Open Stable – Kenneth Øster

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KJ Klimateknik and Munters collaborate on air filtration

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Are you prepared for the heat in the barn?

June 9, 2021