No mess

In a combi-diffuse ventilation system, the supplementary valve mounted in the ceiling opens when the outside temperature exceeds 19°C. In some situations, there are challenges with mess in the resting area. Here, it has proven effective to install KJ’s specially designed ceiling valve directly above the resting area. The valve is steplessly controlled at outdoor temperatures between 16 and 19°C.

Trials conducted by SEGES Danish Pig Research Centre have shown that the concept can eliminate or significantly reduce pig waste in the bedding. At the same time, “Direct-Air” provided better air quality in the occupied zone, as the CO2 concentration was significantly lower than both the control section and on/off regulated ceiling vents.

Seges message 1107

Farmer Henrik Svendsen, Årup Østergaard in Snedsted, Denmark, was quick to adopt the new solution when he was struggling with pigs in his FRATS barns late in the growing period. “After having Direct-Air installed, the pigs have become significantly cleaner and there is more peace and quiet in the barn,” says Henrik Svendsen. “Since we installed Direct-Air, the pigs have cleaner ears, so we avoid ear tag cleaning. In our breeding herd, it’s important that the pigs are not lying in mud, which can cause scorching of their teats. Furthermore, we avoid the daily application of shavings and straw, which has made slurry discharge easier,” concludes Henrik Svendsen, who also experiences fresher air for those working in the barn.

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No mess