About us


The story of KJ Klimateknik

KJ Klimateknik develops climate and environmental solutions, rooted in a philosophy of sustainable and dependable livestock and biogas production. We are constantly working to develop systems that safeguard the climate, minimize energy consumption, and ensure that animal welfare, economics, and the environment go hand in hand

By selecting KJ Klimateknik as your supplier, you’re not only opting to collaborate with a capable organization with a streamlined chain of command. Choosing KJ Klimateknik as your supplier also means selecting professionalism, trust, and 35 years of expertise in crafting flexible solutions tailored to your specific needs.

KJ Klimateknik's timeline


Kaj Johansen establishes KJ Ventilation

KJ Klimateknik A/S was founded when then CEO Kaj Johansen bought the company TH Klimateknik in Thorning, which had existed since 1988.


Winner of the Agromek Award 2012 in the category “Pigs”. 3 stars EU news Agromek, fattening pig concept with hybrid ventilation

Agrifarm is founded through a management buy-out from MT Højgaard A/S


The first Agrifarm Concept finisher barn is inaugurated at Kim Kjær Knudsen’s.

Allan Pedersen acquires a majority shareholding in KJ Klamateknik A/S and Klima Design ApS


The company became the exclusive distributor of the Munters poultry range

First sale of an air purifier for a biogas plant (Sindal Biogas).


Acquisition of all assets from Agrifarm Groupe. This includes the innovative barn concepts and air purifier.

Share issuance and expansion of ownership.


First sale of “total air package” for biogas (Naturbiogas Tværmose)

News & Events


KJ Klimateknik A/S expands and takes over the assets from Agrifarm

April 4, 2023

Kenneth Øster åben stald

Open Stable – Kenneth Øster

January 27, 2023

DH Midtskov

KJ Klimateknik and Munters collaborate on air filtration

May 11, 2022

Køling til stald

Are you prepared for the heat in the barn?

June 9, 2021